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Unfiltered Story #233755

, , | Unfiltered | May 5, 2021

(I am ratting myself out on this one. My husband and I pull up to get checked in at an RV park. I see him go into a side door and then don’t see him again till he comes back out saying we got our slot. A few days later he decides he wants to extend our stay a few more days. He tells me to head up to the office to extend our stay since he is stuck busy with work. He hands me his card and tells me to go in the side door he went into. When I reach the building I see the door he went in but hesitate as there is a small sign on the side saying “Employees Only”. I look around to see if there is another side door, but don’t see any others on this side of the building that lead to anything but laundry and an overnight box, so I hesitantly step inside.)

Me: Hello?

Woman: *smiling brightly* Well Hi there sweety! How can I help you?

Me: My husband told me to go to the front office and extend our stay. He told me the door was on this side of the building but-

Woman: *interrupting* Oh no dearie! You want to go around to the front of the building! That’s where the main office is.

Me: *embarrassed* I’m so sorry, my husband told me to use this side door and I wasn’t completely sure. I’m really sorry!

(I quickly scurried out and went around the building to the front and got everything sorted, my face burning red the whole time. When I went to do laundry the next day they had a new large sign on the door saying “STOP EMPLOYEES ONLY!!!!” I felt even more embarrassed and every time I walk past I feel ashamed.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!