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Unfiltered Story #225850

, , | Unfiltered | February 16, 2021

(I’m walking through produce when a customer approaches me.)
Customer: Excuse me?
Me: Yes?
Customer: (hands me grapes) Can you weigh these for me?
Me:… Sure. (walks two steps over to a scale) They’re about 2 and a quarter pound.
Customer: How much does that cost if they’re $2.99 a pound?
Me: (does quick math in head) A little over $6.
Customer: Is that with the sale price? $2.99 a pound? Is that the price?
Me: (walks two steps back over to the grapes and looks at the sign.) Yes. They’re on sale for $2.99 a pound, so it will be a little over $6.
Customer: Why so much?
Me: $3 a pound, times two pounds, is $6. And since they’re a little over 2 pounds, it will be a little over $6.
Customer: Okay. (Walks away)
(If the customer had asked me one more time, I would’ve pulled out my phone and opened the calculator.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!