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Unfiltered Story #225848

, , | Unfiltered | February 16, 2021

(I’m at a local consignment store. While I’m browsing, a very large family (8-10 people) with several kids and teenagers come in to consign some items. There are only 3 employees, so it takes a while to get everything processed. In addition to me and the large family, another lady walks in, sees the crowd, and promptly walks out. I’m not in a hurry, so I just hang out in line behind the large family. 5-10 minutes later, they thank the sales associates and leave.)

Employee 1: *to me* Oh no! I’m so sorry you had to wait that long!

Employee 2: I can ring you up. We’re very sorry!

Me: Don’t even worry about it. I worked retail for a long time. Everyone always comes in at once, right?

(The lady who turned around and walked out a few minutes prior suddenly comes barreling through the door.)

Customer 1: CALL THE POLICE! They just spit on me!!

Employee 3: I’m sorry, what happened?


(As if on cue, the family in question comes back inside, yelling that they did no such thing. The lady starts cussing them out and gets in the face of the nearest teenager. To his credit, the teenager does not engage. Employee 2, who is bagging my items, gets a nervous look on her face.)

Employee 2: Is there anything else I can do for you?

Me: No, no, I think I’m done for today. Good luck.

Employee 2: Me too! And thanks. We’re gonna need it.

(A few members of the shouting family have blocked the door. I prepare myself for a fight.)

Me: *to the teenager blocking the door and shouting* Excuse me, please.

Kid: *moves immediately* Oh! I’m sorry, miss. *goes back to shouting*

(Those employees deserve a medal and a raise.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!