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Unfiltered Story #223768

, , | Unfiltered | January 27, 2021

I’m French, but I’m fluent in English, with virtually no French accent. Because of the way I learned English, although I have a British accent, I might use either British or American vocabulary, depending on the words (eg I might say “trousers” for pants and “fries” for French fries). During my holidays in Australia, I went to many restaurants, mostly without any problems. This is at the end of a meal:
Waitress: Was everything alright?
Me: Yeah, could I get the check please?
Waitress: I’m sorry?
I repeat myself, thinking that maybe she just didn’t hear me, or some remnant of my French accent might have prevented her from understanding me.
Waitress: You want the what?
Me: Er… The check?
Waitress: Sorry?
Me, racking my brains for synonyms or ways to make her understand: Ehm… I want to give you the money that I owe you…?
Waitress: Me?
Me, making a “money” sign with one hand and getting my wallet with the other: I’m done eating. I wanna pay please!
Waitress: Oh! I’ll get you a bill, ok?
Me: … Yeah, sure…
I later found out that Aussies say both check and bill, so to this day I don’t really understand what that waitress was confused about.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!