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Unfiltered Story #223741

, | Unfiltered | January 25, 2021

I’m the stupid customer in this story. I was a preteen at the time and on vacation with my family. Not only did the store assistant witness this moment, but so did my dad.

Me: Hi, I’m looking for a fantasy book series called [Title], but I can’t remember the author’s last name. I think it starts with an “K” … or maybe an “M?”

The series title is too generic for the fantasy genre — it’s basically just the name of a mythological creature. The store assistant scrolls through an inventory list on a store computer, looking for book series similar to the name I said written by an author with a “K” or “M” name. I reject each suggestion she makes. We spend about 5 minutes doing this.

Me: Oh, wait, I remember the author name! [Name that begins with an R!]

To the store assistant’s credit, she said absolutely nothing about it, just took us straight to the bookshelf. We bought the second and third books in the series, so it was only partly a waste of time.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!