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Unfiltered Story #219035

, , | Unfiltered | December 20, 2020

(I work at a large department store in the handbag department, we are required to check all returns to make sure they are not used and not outlet products. One brand that we carry has different linings in the bags for retail stores and outlet stores which makes checking them very easy. One day I had a customer come into return a bag from this brand.)
Customer: Hi, I have a return. My friend gave this to me as a gift but I don’t like it.
Me: (I take one look inside the bag, see the outlet lining. I mentally sigh and prepare myself for the following conversation) I’m sorry ma’am I can’t accept this bag as it is not a (department store) product.
Customer: What do you mean? You sell this brand here.
Me: We do however if you look at the lining in the bag here, this is the lining for the outlet products, ours have a different lining.
Customer: Can’t I get something for it.
Me: I’m sorry ma’am but as it is not one of our products I can’t take it, even if I wanted to my system won’t allow it.
Customer: Can I at least get store credit.
Me: No, as I said, it isn’t our product and my system will not let me process it as a return. I would suggest taking it to the outlet and see if they can help you. If not, it is a nice bag you can always re-gift it.
Customer: (angrily grabs bag and walks away mumbling about terrible customer service)
Me: (turns to coworker) why does anyone think they can return a bag somewhere it wasn’t purchased at just because they carry that brand?
Coworker: People are idiots

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!