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Unfiltered Story #211691

, | Unfiltered | October 17, 2020

My mother is one of the organizers of a walking tour in the Netherlands, where participants walk 200 km in 5 days. Before the start, participants are sent a card that gets stamped at every checkpoint. Shortly after sending out the starting cards she gets an email in Dutch:

PARTICIPANT: My son and I both registered for the tour, however my son has already received his starting card and I haven’t.

MOM: My apologies sir, if you could confirm your address I will send you a new one.

PARTICIPANT: [Address], [State], United States.

For some reason he thought that snail mail arrived at the same time within the Netherlands as it did across the Atlantic. In the end an extra copy of his card was sent to his son’s address.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!