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20-Sided Relationship

, | Romantic | April 9, 2012

(My boyfriend is visiting from out of town, and, as he’s going to start playing Dungeons and Dragons soon. We’ve gone to the local sci-fi store to pick up some dice. I’m very independent, while my boyfriend is ‘old-school’, and prefers to pay for me, rather than the other way around.)

Clerk: “Is that all for you guys?”

Me: “Yep, thanks!”

Boyfriend: “Actually, I wanted to look at comic books.”

Me: “Okay, then. Why don’t I buy your dice while you go look?”

(He looks at me, and realizes I’m trying to trick him into letting me pay.)

Me: “Yes, I did just do that. This is nerd love! I get to buy you your first set of dice!”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!