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Unfiltered Story #185620

, , | Unfiltered | February 12, 2020

(I work in the Bakery Department of a bigger chain of grocery stores. A man approaches our cake display case, and I walk over to ask if he needs any help.)

Me: “Did you need any help today, Sir?”
Customer: “Yeah, I need a Tres Leche.”

I point out the different types of Leche cakes that we carry, and the customer looks over the cakes I just showed to him, and he is staring at the Mango Mousse cake behind the Leches.

(Keep in mind, all of our cakes have a bright, yellow tag in front of them, clearly marking what kind of cake it is, and its price.)

Customer: “So…is the Mango Mousse a Tres Leche?”
Me: “No, it’s a Mango Mousse.”
Customer: “Oh.”

He actually left without buying anything.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!