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Unfiltered Story #155087

, , | Unfiltered | June 17, 2019

(I work medical records at a medical office. Sometimes i cover the phones when busy)
Me: Hello Thank you for choosing [company Name]. How can I direct you call?
Caller: *slightly masculine voice but sounds like its trying to be feminine* I need to schedule a mammogram.
Me: alright let me transfer you to scheduling so they can help you out. *transfers call*
(few minutes later)
Scheduler: *calls me* um…did you tell a male pt they couldnt get a mammogram? because the patient is very offended right now. they say its because  they are trans gendered, so you said she couldnt get a mammogram. men can get mammograms too if needed”
Me:First of all all I said was I would transfer them to scheduling. Second if they think I have an issue with Trans people let her know my Aunt and her girlfriend are both Male to Female Trans and I love them dearly. If her insurance approves a mammogram then get a mammogram. But it has nothing to do with her being trans as far as I’m concerned.
Scheduler: *laughing* yeah ill let her know.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!