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Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #32175

Unfiltered | October 31, 2015

(In 6th grade, I was in the weekly CCD class offered by my church. A majority of the class was all 4 of the regular altar boys and maybe 2 other girls who would rarely come to class. Each week without fail, the boys would bully me behind the teachers back. While I would tell the teacher what was going on, nothing could be done unless she saw something, especially since the boys in question were the altar boys. One of the boys stopped bullying me when I threatened to go to the priests, but the others kept going strong. One day, my teacher caught the boys bullying me when we had a full class in attendance.)

Teacher: *to the boys* WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

Boy #1: We were just playing-


Boy #2: We do this every class. Why are you getting mad now?

(I am crying by this point because the bullying had gone over the edge this time and I was relieved that they had been caught. My teacher goes to the phone in the room and explains the whole situation to the priest. Literally 1 minute later, the priest walks into the room. Not just any priest, but the head priest of the church, who was unfortunately moving to another church in a few months.)

Priest: Mrs. [Teacher’s Name], please take [My Name] outside.

(The moment the door closes, the priest tears into these boys yelling about how ashamed he is of them since they are the altar boys and that they should know better and had no right have been altar boys the entire class term if they were bullying others and using their status to get away with it. When I am able to enter the classroom again, he delivers the ultimatum to the boys.)

Priest: Next week for the class confessions, all of you are coming to me. If this incident is not mentioned in your confession, there will be consequences. Also, until I transfer churches in a few months, your services as altar boys will not be needed for any of my masses.

(As he starts to walk out of the room, one of the girls speak up. The priest hears her.)

Girl: Thanks for doing something Father [Priest’s Name]. They are always so annoying.

Priest: Did you see what was going on?

Girl: Yeah I did.

Priest: Did you try and defend your classmate?

Girl: No.

Priest: Then you’re just as responsible!

(For the rest of the year, the boys were not allowed to participate in mass held by this certain priest. I did not see the boys return to the church the next year. That priest became my mom’s favorite after hearing the full story of what happened that day from me when I got home.)

Unfiltered Story #47601

Unfiltered | October 31, 2015

(My sister and I are talking about the ‘Political Correctness Brigade’ that we have in the UK. They basically say that we cannot adhere to common traditions for fear of offending immigrants and foreign nationals).

Sister: *Quoting PC brigade* You can’t hang the British flag up on St. George’s Day.

Me: You wouldn’t the British flag up on St. George’s Day anyway.

Sister: No, it would be the Welsh flag, wouldn’t it?

Me: *Burst out laughing*.

Sister: Shut up.

Unfiltered Story #27903

Unfiltered | October 31, 2015

(I am fluent in Spanish, however, only a couple of my friends are aware of this despite the fact that I’m Hispanic. I’m sitting with my best friend, who is light skinned and a redhead, in our digital media class. There are a couple guys who have been making fun of her in Spanish, not knowing that I know exactly what they are saying.)

Guy #1: *in Spanish* “That redhead needs to get a tan. She’s so ugly!”

Guy #2: *in Spanish* “She will be going to hell for looking like the devil’s child haha.”

Guy #3: *in Spanish* “Come on guys, there’s no need to be rude. I find her kind of pretty…”

Guy #2: Oh yeah, with those coke bottle glasses, she sureeeee is attractive.

Guy #3: Those aren’t even close to coke bottles glasses! You two are shallow.

Guy #1: Why does that other girl *gestures to me* even hang out with her? She should be hanging out with better people other than that piece of s***!

(At this point, my friend knows that they are talking about her and looks at me with a hurt expression and asking what they said about her. I ignore her question, stand up, walk over, and handle it myself.)

Me: *in Spanish* “You guys are by far, the rudest and most arrogant c**** I have ever come across in my life! Look at you guys, thinking you have the right to talk behind someone’s back and judge them so harshly.”

Guy #2: *in English* “You speak Spanish? *goes wide eyed*

Me: *in English* ” Yeah I do a**hole *in Spanish* and if I EVER hear you two talk about anyone like that again, I will personally make sure that you’re slapped so hard, that your s*** egos will go down with your nonexistent man hood.

(I turned and went back to my computer and hugged my friend. Hers, as well as the two guy’s jaws dropped to the floor, even though she didn’t fully understand what I said. Guy #3 came over at the end of class and apologized for their behavior, and even got my friend’s number! They’ve been dating since. If you’re going to talk crap, at least make sure no one around you can understand!)

Unfiltered Story #56629

Unfiltered | October 31, 2015

(I am home alone for a couple hours while my mom and stepdad are out running errands, when the phone rings. I pick it up:)

Me: Hello?

Caller: Hello, I am calling to confirm an appointment to check up on Security for the home of [My Mom’s Name]. (I later find out this is a lie, and he is a telemarketer or scammer)

Me: She isn’t available right now. You can call back another time.

Caller: Okay. (Hangs up)

(The next next day, while we’re eating dinner, they call back. I had told my mom and stepdad about it, and they said it was a scam, they didn’t order anything. My stepdad picks up the phone this time.)

Caller: (Same spiel he told me about confirming an appointment)

Stepdad: I’m sorry but we don’t have an appointment with you. We already have security

Caller: (Suddenly turns sour) Well I spoke to a Mr. [Mom’s last name] (meaning me) who said you did. Thanks for wasting my time.

Stepdad: Excuse me? You called us! Thanks for being rude. (Hangs up)

Unfiltered Story #66990

Unfiltered | October 31, 2015

(I was working in a different department but our copy center was busy so I got called up. My coworker was talking to 2 ladies, so I asked the one man standing at the counter if he needed help.)

Customer: “Yes, they made my copies upside-down.”

(I look at his papers, which had a tri-fold. The top section was indeeed upside-down from the rest of the paper, but how he had it folded it was fine. I go to ask my coworker, who had just finished with her customers, what to do, because I assume he had sent us a digital file that we somehow messed up.) Coworker (talking to the man): “Sir, that’s how your original was. I copied it exactly how you had it. Did you ask us to change it?”

Customer: “No but you didn’t show me a proof!!”

Cowoker: “……Because it is exactly the same as the one you gave us originally.”

Customer: (Starts going off) “I laid all the carpet in (the hotel behind us) and if something got messed up I fixed it! Whether it was my fault or not! You’ll never make it in retail! I want to talk to your manager”

Coworker: “‘I’ve been here for almost 10 years. And I’m the supervisor here. I can fix them, but you’ll have to pay for them.”

(He goes on for a few minutes, and she walks away. He keeps talking to me about how belligerent she is and how rude, and eventually goes to say essentially the same thing to the on-duty manager, who happens to have had the original coworkers position originally. She tells him the same thing we did, and he storms out. So he wanted us to fix his mistake, without telling us, for free.)