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The Service Doesn’t Matcha Your Expectations

| Working | September 5, 2016

(I am at the mall and decide to stop by the stand for a well-known coffee chain to get a frozen drink. There are three employees: Employee #1 who is rude, Employee #2 who is doing all the work, and Employee #3 who is too lazy to live. Employee #1 takes my order and I move to the bar to wait for my drink.)

Employee #3: “Who had the green tea frappe?

Me: “I did.”

Employee #3: “So, yeah, we don’t have enough matcha powder to make your drink. I mean, there’s some in there, but it’s not enough.”

Me: *thinking I’ll be asked to re-order* “Okay…?”

Employee #3: “We should have another container upstairs in stock. Do you want me to go getu it? You’d have to wait.”

Me: “I’ll wait. Please go get it.”

(He leaves and I’m waiting roughly eight minutes all while Employees #1 and #2 are arguing because the former is speaking to both customers and the latter rudely and can’t seem to comprehend why everyone’s mad at him. Meanwhile, Employee #2 is the only one making drinks as Employee #1 plays with pastries and a long line behind me is forming of unhappy customers.)

Employee #3: *returning* “So, yeah, we don’t have anymore. Do you want what’s already made up?” *it’s just the milk and powder mixture that’s been sitting on the counter uncovered this whole time*

Employee #2: “No, you are not giving her that. [Employee #1]! Go find that powder! *turning to me* “I am so sorry about this. I know it’s there; I don’t care what he says.”

(I’m getting annoyed but am too polite to say anything so I wave it off. Another eight minutes go by and Employee #1 returns with the powder.)

Employee #3: *addressing [Employee #2]* “So, add this to what I already made, or…?”

Employee #2: “DUMP THAT OUT, YOU IDIOT. Start again!”

(My drink finally got made. But all this time, for my inconvenience, I was not offered a discount, a refund, a free cookie, or anything.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!