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Bone Phone

| Romantic | August 24, 2013

(My fiancée and I are at a friend’s house. Since her outfit lacks pockets, I have her cell phone in my pocket. It starts ringing and vibrating.)

Me: “Love?” *give her a smouldering look* “I have something throbbing in my pants for you.”

Delayed Reactions Are A Pain In The Butt

| Related | August 24, 2013

Me: “I think my butt is catching up with me now.”

Mom: “…what?”

Me: “Oh, I mean that it’s starting to hurt, from riding my bike without the gel seat cover on it this morning.”

He Isn’t Getting Cirque Du So Laid

| Romantic | August 23, 2013

(I am witnessing my parents getting ready to go out for dinner on a date-night.)

Mum: “Honey, how do I look?”

Dad: “You’re so beautiful! Just as beautiful as when we met!”

Mum: “Don’t you think I should wear some make-up?”

Dad: “Oh, no, that makes you look like a clown!”

Mum: “Excuse me?”

Dad: “I mean, a beautiful clown… not that I’d fancy a clown; they’re actually quite scary. I don’t mean you’re scary; I’m just defending your natural beauty.”

Mum: “But what’s wrong with wearing some make-up to look better? All women do it.”

Dad: “But you’re not a woman.”

Mum: “What?!”

Dad: “I mean, you’re not like most women; they’re usually shallow and spoiled and—can we just pretend the last five minutes never happened?”

Mum: “You know what? We should just skip dinner!” *storms off*

Me: “What’s the problem with mum?”

Dad: *jokingly* “She’s in a bad mood because her circus performance got postponed.”

(Mum storms back, very agitated.)

Mum: “And now you’re turning them against me? What did I ever do to you?”

Dad: “Sorry dear, I’ve just realised you are a woman, after all.”

Mum: “Really? Why?”

Dad: “You’re insane!”

Ever Expanding Love

| Romantic | August 23, 2013

(My husband is saying goodbye to me as he leaves for work in the morning.)

Husband: “I love you to the moon and back!”

Me: “Hmm… I love you to the sun and back!”

Husband: “Wow! That’s a lot more. Okay, I love you to Polaris and back!”

Me: “Wow! I love you to the Horsehead Nebula and back!”

(We keep naming increasingly distant stars, galaxies, and nebulas, until neither of us can think of any more.)

Husband: “I love you to the farthest thing in the universe and back!”

Me: “Well, the universe is always expanding! So right now there’s an even-farther-away-thing, and I love you to that thing and back!”

Husband: “I guess you win…”

Wont Be A Dry Run

| Romantic | August 23, 2013

(My girlfriend and I are both jogging in the mornings to get in better shape. She is a morning person, and I am decidedly not.)

Girlfriend: “Come on, time to get up. We have to go run before it gets too hot.”

Me: *groan*

Girlfriend: “Don’t moan. Get up; we have to go!”

Me: *sleepily* “F*** you.”

Girlfriend:After we run.”

Me: “…deal.”