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Something Smells Fishy

| Related | July 6, 2012

(A man is talking on the phone as he is browsing the store. He picks up several games and reads the titles aloud.)

Customer: “Yes… no… no… no… yes… no… yes… okay, this one.”

(He picks an item and comes up to the counter.)

Customer: “I would like this to be gift-wrapped”.” *to the phone* “Yes.. no..”

Me: “Your wife?”

Customer: “No, my kids. I want to surprise them with a game, and they are sort of picky.”

Me: “Doesn’t that ruin the surprise?”

Customer: “As long as they’re busy, so I can go fishing!”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!