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Slowly Being (Air) Conditioned

| Romantic | August 2, 2016

(My boyfriend and I come back from a walk; it is roasting outside, but inside, the AC is on. Note that I am admittedly scatter-brained sometimes.)

Me: “I’m so glad we left the AC on!”

Boyfriend: *sarcastically* “Yeah, good thing you had that idea.”

Me: *not catching on* “Well, good thing I forgot to turn it off.”

Boyfriend: “I told you to not turn it off…”

Me: “Oh, really?”

Boyfriend: *laughing* “So I told you to turn it off, but you forgot anyway.”

Me: “Sounds about par for the course, doesn’t it?”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!