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Playing Gameboys

| Right | July 1, 2013

(I am in my local video game store, picking up a copy of ‘Devil May Cry’. I am the only female in the store, and since I can’t see well enough to get a driver’s license, my father has driven me here. The store is really busy, so after plucking a copy from the shelf, I browse for a bit. A little boy approaches me.)

Boy: “Is that for your dad?”

Me: “No, this is for me.”

(The boy’s eyes widen in surprise.)

Boy: “You play video games?”

Me: “Yes, I do.”

Boy: “But you’re a GIRL!”

Me: “So? Girls play video games too, honey.”

Boy: “But you like girly games, right?”

Me: “Actually, no. I hate girly games. I prefer action games and action RPGs, like Devil May Cry, Castlevania, Final Fantasy, and Kingdom Hearts.”

(The little guy’s eyes widen so much that I’m expecting them to pop out of his head. He turns to face his mother.)

Boy: “Mom! Mom! There’s a girl that likes video games!”

(The mom hurriedly grabs her son, checks out their games, and practically runs from the store. As soon as the door shuts behind them, everyone inside cracks up.)

Store Clerk: *still laughing* “But you’re a GIRL!”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!