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PhDo Try Again

| Learning | November 8, 2016

(I’m at the graduation ceremony to receive my PhD in Biology. I notice that whenever someone goes on stage, the person shaking everyone’s hand and distributing diplomas whispers something to them. Finally my name is called.)

Announcer: “[My Name].”

(I walk up on stage, shake the diploma distributor’s hand, and he leans down to whisper to me.)

Distributor: *talking very quickly* “We went out of order. This isn’t your diploma. Please find the person who has yours.”

(Luckily, all PhD recipients started yelling the names on their incorrect diplomas, and we all found the correct ones and traded with each other. And that’s how I had a PhD in Economics for about ten minutes.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!