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Paying By Check? Don’t Bank On It

, , | Right | CREDIT: Tanthiel | November 9, 2023

It’s Saturday and I’m making a cash pickup from the tills and there’s a check in the till that’s drawn on a bank that closed fifteen years ago after being bought out by another bank. I show it to the cashiers and tell them about it. Our store director went to high school with the person the checks belong to and confirms they were stolen.

Cut to the next Monday. There’s a customer with a couple of large items. She pulls out one of the exact same set of checks and starts writing it out for $380.

Me: “Ma’am, I can’t take this check.”

Customer: “Why not?”

Me: “Well, to start with, [Bank] has been closed since 2005; this check isn’t any good.”

Customer: “It’s my daughter’s check, there’s a [Bank] still in El Dorado.”

Me: “No, ma’am, the [Bank] in El Dorado wasn’t a part of this chain when it was open, and it’s actually a credit union. This check clearly says [Bank] in Malvern. Also, it’s not your daughter’s check, this check is stolen. I know the person these belong to.”

I had an account with this bank when it was open. They were a really good bank, so I know a bit more than a normal person would.

Customer: “Well, I never…”

Me: “It doesn’t matter, I cannot and I will not take this check for this purchase.”

At this point the lady storms out. I can’t quite get her license plate but I get a good description and call the police department. Upon reviewing the cameras, we discover that the lady had an ankle monitor on. Fifteen minutes later, they come back, pull into the parking lot of the law office next door and go in. I run out, get a tag number and call the police, who show up and make an arrest.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!