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Parenting Going 180

, | Right | October 13, 2023

A woman ignores everything in the store and walks straight up to the desk instead:

Customer: “Do you have any Xbox 370’s?”

Me: “Do you mean Xbox 360’s? Yes, they just came out and we have a few.”

Customer: “No! It’s for my son. His father got him an Xbox 360 and he thinks he can be the fun parent, even though he only gets him every other weekend! I need to give him something better than what his dad got him!”

I pause for a moment because of the TMI.

Me: “Oh… I see. Well, I’m afraid the Xbox 360 is the best Xbox on the market at the moment.”

Customer: “That’s disappointing. His dad is always boasting… will a 370 be coming out soon?”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!