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Not Trying To Pop Your Corn About It

| Right | April 26, 2016

(I work at a movie theater where we offer the usual concession foods, drinks, etc. Our large popcorn and drinks always come with free refills.)

Customer: “Hi, do you remember me from earlier? The popcorn you gave me had a rip in the bag and I’d like to speak to a manager about it. Also I need refills on my drink.”

Me: “Sure, no problem.” *I go off and get his drinks* “Would you rather me get you a free large popcorn since your last was refillable anyways?”

Customer: “No, thank you. I’d just like to speak with a manager.”

(I go off and tell someone to call a manager over before walking back to the till where the customer was.)

Me: “I’m really sorry about the inconvenience. I’m getting a manager for you now.”

Customer: “Can you just get me a free large popcorn instead?”

Me: “Yes…”

(I hand him the popcorn and he walks off.)

Coworker: “What just happened… Didn’t you suggest the free popcorn in the first place?”

Manager: “Did you need something?”

Me: “I guess not.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!