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Monster Lightning

| Related | July 18, 2016

(My brother is playing a survival video game. He is gathering resources and starts chopping down trees for wood.)

Me: “Hey, [Brother]. Wouldn’t it be funny if a [Monster] appeared right now?”

(The monster in question is extremely powerful, and has a VERY small chance of appearing when you’re chopping down trees.)

Brother: “Suuuuuure. What are the chances—OH, SHOOT!”

(The monster has just appeared. While his character runs away, my brother and I stare at each other. He manages to escape the monster, but an in-game thunderstorm is starting. During a storm, lightning can strike, and kill, a player, but chances are, again, EXTREMELY low.)

Me: “You know what would be funny? If lightning—”

Brother: “DON’T SAY IT!”

(Literally two seconds later, lightning kills his character. From then on, my brother has been sure never to play while I’m around.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!