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Lumber On Back Tomorrow When We’re Not CLOSED

, , | Right | CREDIT: TylPlas26 | December 17, 2021

I work in a lumber yard, and I don’t work inside the store part of the business. The store just closed, and most of the staff are leaving except for the odd worker still in the store.

I get into my car, which is parked less than thirty feet from a main road going through the town. As I start my vehicle, I suddenly hear a voice calling out. I look to my left and see a guy approaching my car.

Guy: “Do you work here?”

Me: “Yes, I do.”

Guy: “Is the store closed?”

Me: “Yes, the store closed a few minutes ago.”

Guy: “Do you sell suction cups?”

Me: “I don’t work in the store, so I know nothing of what is sold inside.”

Guy: “Could you go and check with the staff to see if they do?”

Me: “The store is closed. They’re locking everything up.”

Guy: “Can you ask them tomorrow for me?”

I don’t even know the guy, and I’m not going to do something he could easily do himself.

Me: “You’re gonna have to do it yourself. You’ll either have to come in or phone tomorrow.”

He grumbled something, then walked off past my car towards the door of the store.

I watched him for a minute, and despite the fact I had told him the store was closed, he opened the door and walked inside.

I was hot and tired from the day, so I drove off.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!