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Incorrectly Prospecting Your Lack Of Prospects

, | Right | February 17, 2015

(I work in a fast food restaurant to earn some extra money while at university; I work at a branch quite far from my university in a popular shopping area so no one in my class knows. Most of the other people in my class are fairly well off and I don’t really fit in. I have colourful hair and three facial piercings. One day a girl from my class comes in with her mother and she notices me but doesn’t say anything as the mother steers her towards my station.)

Mother: “I’ve told you time and time again that you have to stay in education. You can’t just quit university because you’d rather spend time with your boyfriend.”

Me: “May I take your order?”

(The mother places order for them both and as I walk to fill the drinks I hear her say to her daughter.)

Mother: “If you drop out of university you’ll end up like that girl there, all filth and metal with no career or future prospects.”

Girl: “Actually, mum, she’s in my class and she works harder than most of us. She helps us all with our work if we get stuck and is really nice.”

(The mum was stunned into silence and I pretended not to have heard as I gave them their meal. The next day the girl asked if I wanted to go to a party with her!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!