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His Very Quick Pet Project

| Related | February 22, 2016

(My six-year-old son has been begging me to get a puppy. Since this is a big investment and I’m not prepared for a new pet, I try let him know without disappointing him.)

Son: “Can we get a puppy?”

Me: “Not today. Puppies are expensive and taking care of one is hard work.”

Son: “What if I bought one and helped take care of it?”

Me: *seeing this as a learning opportunity* “I’ll make a deal with you. If you can save $1,000 by yourself I’ll let you buy a puppy.”

Son: “How will I get $1,000?”

Me: “You can save your allowance and birthday money. You can also sell something, like cookies or juice, to make some extra money.”

Son: “Okay!”

(My son gets excited and runs to the kitchen. 10 minutes later, I notice that he has set up a juice stand outside with a large sign that reads “Orange juice: 1 cup-$1,000”)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!