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H2-Slow, Part 11

| Right | January 6, 2016

(My younger, newer coworker approaches me for help with a customer asking question he doesn’t understand. The customer has a 5 gallon jug water exchange in a cart.)

Customer: “Excuse me, I’ve got a question about this [Brand] water?”

Me: “Sure, what can I tell you about it?”

Customer: “Does this have an expiration date?”

Me: *stunned* “Um… it’s water.”

Customer: “So… does it?”

(I told him if the water is held to EPA and FDA standards it would be properly filtered for pathogenic organisms and protozoan. I’m still stunned that anyone would think water could expire.)


Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!