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Dispensing With The Pleasantries

, , | Right | December 15, 2019

(I work in a pharmacy and occasionally, due to computer errors or just because the dispensary staff are being flooded with customers, there is a mistake in a customer’s script.)

Coworker: “Hi, how are you today?”

Customer: *cheerily* “I’m good, thank you!”

Coworker: “That comes to [total].”

Customer: *getting more agitated by the second* “No, that’s not right!”

Coworker: “I’m sorry, did you not want to take one of these scripts?” *gestures to medication*

Customer: “No, this is bulls***! I always get these scripts and they never cost this much!”

Coworker: “I apologise for the inconvenience; sometimes we do have system errors. I’ll call up the pharmacist and sort this out.”

Customer: “This is f****** stupid. I just want my medication. Just let me have my medication! I want my s*** for the normal f****** price!”

Coworker: *now calling the dispensary to get the issue sorted, replies calmly* “I understand, ma’am, but I can’t fix it from here; I can only bring up your script from your file. However, I am calling to get this fixed right now.” *manages to stay composed and continue smiling*

Customer: *now in a frenzy* “Just change the f****** s***! I’m never going to f****** shop at [Store] again! I’ll go to [Other Store — actually our sister store with same owner]!”

(The customer then turns to me, standing at the next till over doing a few jobs.)

Customer: *to me* “I can’t f****** believe it, and he says he can’t fix it!”

Me: “I am really sorry for the inconvenience, ma’am, but he can’t do anything from the tills. He is trying to fix it up now, though. The dispensary has to fix it up, but don’t worry; we will get everything sorted! It is actually quite common for this to happen.” *gives her the warmest smile I can muster*

Customer: “This is bulls***!”

Coworker: *hangs up from the call with the dispensary* “Okay, that’s all sorted. Sorry about the inconvenience. That comes to [new total].”

Customer: *smiles* “That sounds better!”

(My coworker finishes the transaction and apologizes yet again for the inconvenience, giving the customer a tired smile.)

Customer: “Oh, no, no, it’s not your fault! Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day!”

Coworker: “You, too, ma’am.”

Customer: *to me* “Bye!”

Me: “See you later!” *to my coworker* “Guess it’s that time of the month for her, too.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!