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Decency On A Diet

| Right | October 17, 2016

(I work as a cashier in a very well-known retail store. By the registers we have refrigerators that hold soda, juice, and water. Two women decide to come through my line, and as I am ringing them up, they decide to add two sodas to their order. They’re mother and daughter. I finish their order and am about to move on to the next person. I notice the daughter has already opened her soda and taken a sip. That’s when she notices what type it is.)

Daughter: “Wait, this isn’t diet.”

Mother: “I thought I grabbed one for you.”

(The daughter then proceeded to put the soda she had already opened back into the refrigerator. She grabbed a diet version of the drink and left with her mother before I could react and say something.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!