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Cancers Of Society

| Friendly | November 30, 2015

(I’m vacationing with a friend of mine who had surgery and cancer treatment a few years earlier due to a small brain tumor. Because she has her hair in a short pony tail, my friend’s scar in the back of her neck is clearly visible. Although she has gotten a few sympathetic looks and a couple of questions about the scar, most people ignore it or doesn’t take much notice. We’re on a guided sightseeing bus tour, when the lady sitting behind us decides to speak up.)

Rude Lady: “Excuse me, could you please move seats?”

Friend: “What? Why?”

Rude Lady: “There’s an hour left of this tour, and I’d rather not spent it having to stare at that horrendous scar of yours! Why would you even show that off?!”

(People have started to stare. This is the first time anyone has ever yelled at her for her scar, and as she is conflict-shy, I get ready to defend her, but she speaks up before I have the chance to.)

Friend: “I’m sorry you feel uncomfortable, but that’s not my problem. If you don’t want to look at my scar, you can change seats yourself, or just look away. Yes, I have a scar, but there’s nothing I can do about it. Next time I have a cancerous brain tumor, I’ll make sure to let the surgeons know to not leave a scar so I don’t offend random strangers on the bus.”

(Some of the other passengers applauded my friend, and the rude lady ended up leaving the tour.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!