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Avoiding A Trainer Wreck

| Working | October 6, 2016

(My high school marching band has a tradition of going to a particular restaurant after every football game, just for a time to hang out and relax after a long day. Usually they are well prepared and even reserve seating for every one of us, which is nearly 100 people. Tonight however they are training new staff and are far from ready for our large number of people.)

Server: “Sorry if we’re a little behind tonight. We only have three waitresses on shift and we have to train both.”

Us: “No problem. We are in no hurry so just take all the time you need.”

(Another server waits on us later on.)

Server #2: “Hey, guys, I’m new so please bear with me tonight, okay? I was not prepared for this.”

Me: “Don’t worry. We understand perfectly.”

(Throughout the night our server runs back and forth frantically serving several tables, apologizing for the setback followed by us reassuring her that everything is fine.)

Drum Major: “Hey, guys, let these guys set an example.” *he points at our table where we’ve stacked empty plates, cups, and silverware in an effort to reduce the work and stress for our server*

(My bill comes out to $11.68. I tip around $10, almost the cost of my meal as our server really deserved it after how good a job she was doing. As I leave I tell her one last thing.)

Me: *to [Server #2]* “You did an excellent job tonight. Don’t feel bad about the wait for our food. It was shorter than I’d anticipated. You will do great at this job.”

Server #2: “Oh, thank you! I’ve never been told anything like that before.”

Me: *as I hand her my tip* “You deserve this tip. That was the best service I’ve received here.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!