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Attending To His Attendance Record

| Learning | March 19, 2015

(My history teacher in grade 11 is quite peculiar. His lessons mostly consist of him giving a lecture. He rarely asks questions or makes other attempts to engage the class into the lesson. This happens when he tells us our oral marks. He gives us a task and calls us one by one to the room next door.)

Teacher: “Your grade is [grade]. [Pupil] is the next one. Would you please call her over?”

Me: “[Pupil]? But she doesn’t attend this school anymore.”

Teacher: “Since when?”

Me: “Her family moved to Bavaria five months ago.”

(He awkwardly fumbled with his documents. Later we noticed that he even attested her full attendance to his classes in our class register. Apparently he was very bad at remembering names and gave random oral grades to his students and didn’t check attendance. He just couldn’t tell us apart.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!