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A Mechanical Heart

| Hopeless | October 3, 2019

(I’m a university student changing tires on my truck for the first time. It was -20 ish degrees outside and I messed up and broke my jack. I was out for a couple hours freezing and was about to give up. Then this guy shows up.)

Guy: “Hey, your truck looks bad; is it alright?”

Me: “I was trying to change a busted tire, broke the jack and now my whole axle is on the floor.”

Guy: “I just finished delivering pizza to your landlord I can help you out. Move over.” *he then takes everything from me* “Go warm up, I’ll be done soon.”

Me: “How do you know so much?”

Guy: “I was a truck mechanic for 20 years. You’re doing it completely wrong, you could have broken something eh?”

Me: “Oh man, you just saved me 100 bucks from bringing it into a shop!”

Guy: “Just trying to help.”

Me: “Okay, I think I got it thanks!” *I felt bad and somewhat embarrassed*

Guy: “No, I can’t just leave, you could be killed! How would you feel if you left and someone died?”

Me: *speechless*

(After he was done in a flash, I paid him 15 dollars for his help. Love being a Canadian!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!