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Unfiltered Story #328128

, | Unfiltered | May 4, 2024

*When I was a teen I was the nerdy girl who kept to myself, until you became friends with me and then I would talk your ear off. My father had recently passed away, so most of my clothes were either secondhand store or store brand. This story is in two parts. The first happened in 8th grade. A couple of girls stopped me outside of a classroom. I want to point out that they weren’t mean at all*

Girl 1: “Are you a prep?” (For those who don’t know, it’s a popular person who wears the latest fashions)

Me: “No…” *I start to walk into the classroom, then stop and look at them again, utterly confused* “..Why do you ask?”

Girl 2: “Because of you.”

Me: *starts laughing* “Well, thank you! But this is from [secondhand store]. It even has a hole in it the size of my fist under my armpit! I just really like the color and the feel of it.”

*Fast forward a couple of years, and I was in high school. Again, we still didn’t have a lot of money. And I, to this day, hate the feeling of tight clothes, so everything was baggy. Also, when I get a sweatshirt or sweater I love, I wear it until it falls apart. As at this point it LOOKS like I am wearing the same outfit every day. A couple of kids stopped me on my way to class*

Kid 1: “Are you emo?”

Me: “Hm? Um, no.”

Kid 2: “Are you goth?”

Me: “Uh…no…” (I had darl brown corduroy pants on and a neon orange sweater)

Kid 1: “Oh…then what are you?!”

Me: “I’m a dork.”

Kid 2: “What?”

Me: “I’m a dork. I’m not smart enough to be a geek or a nerd and I have friends in every clique. So, I’m a dork.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!