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Unfiltered Story #328067

, , | Unfiltered | May 2, 2024

I end up needing an oral surgeon for a dental problem, and as it turns out, the office where my best friend works has an opening sooner that other offices. After I set up my appointment, she sends me the new patient paperwork and information on general anesthesia, which I’ll need for the procedure. I notice a funny statement in the paperwork: “Women who are undergoing sedation should avoid wearing eye makeup.” This despite the patient information forms asking for both preferred gender and gender assigned at birth (which can be relevant in medical settings). I take a picture and text it to my friend.

Me: Look, according to this sentence, apparently it’s fine for men to wear eye makeup while they’re knocked out.

Best friend: That’s because men have rights we don’t. Fight the patriarchy!

Me: I demand the right to wear mascara under sedation!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!