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Unfiltered Story #326618

| Unfiltered | April 28, 2024

We take turns connecting our phones to the speaker to put music on. Today was my turn, but my phone doesn’t like connecting to the speaker, so I turn my volume up and just place my phone nearby.

One of my coworkers started his shift and immediately went to talk to the kitchen lead somewhere behind me just out of earshot. All of a sudden I hear “for fucks sake! Why’s <I>she</I> get to listen to that crap?!” Followed by a smash, and the kitchen lead telling Dylan to “leave it.”

I turn around to see the speaker on the ground. It belongs to a long term employee who brought in his personal speaker and was nice enough to let it be used communally. However, my music continues because it’s not attached to the speaker.

He got sent outside while the lead picked the speaker up to see if it still works. It’s functional, but cuts out at random points now. And the coworker who bought it is not buying a new one just for it to get thrown again. Angry coworker didn’t get fired or anything because the speaker wasn’t company property.

I didn’t realise game OSTs were so offensive.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!