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Unfiltered Story #326592

| Unfiltered | April 26, 2024

I’m away for 3 days of supervisor training in the city. My GM leaves me a voicemail on the second day

GM: “Hey [my name], sorry to bug you while you’re away, just wanted to let you know I had to change your shift on your first day back. You’re starting at [time] now. Oh, by the way there’s an issue. It sort of involves you but not really. I’ll explain when you’re back”

I spend the next 2 and a half days stressing about what could have happened. I arrive for my shift at the new time and she has me join her in the office

Turns out, another (male) had made some SERIOUS allegations about how I was treating female staff. Like, jail time serious. The GM, obviously needing to investigate, asked him for a date and time this happened so she could check the store cameras

He gave her a date and said “an hour after 8pm.” GM thought that was odd phrasing, but went to 9pm on that date. Of course, she found nothing. On a hunch, she rewound to 8pm that same day

What she found there was this male coworker doing all of the things he accused me of. He was fired on the spot

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!