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Unfiltered Story #325727

| Unfiltered | April 18, 2024

Context: I’m in summer vacation in Brittany with my mother and a couple of her siblings. Without counting me, the average age is 78 years old.

It’s unusually hot, with temperatures up to 34°C (93°F) which is about 10°C higher that’s what usual here. Also, the beach where we go to is small and half secluded and because of its size, it can’t be visited at high tide unless you like to squish yourself on four feet of sand, between the sea and the cliff.

So, it has been decided we will only go to the beach past 6PM. After lunch, we spend the afternoon quietly entertaining ourselves… and waiting.

Except the group seems to be unused to wait for so long. Every afternoon without fail, from 4PM, they begin to moan that they are bored, that they want to go to the beach, is it time to go to the beach yet? They’re so bored it’s painful.

“The group” AKA everyone except me. Because I have ADHD that was diagnosed pretty late (40yo, only two years ago) so 1) I know how to deal with it and took a couple of big books, some sewing and a pack of cards + a guide of solitaires borrowed at the library 2) I spent a good chunk of my childhood being bored out of my mind, and the only help I would get was an advice of cleaning my room.

This vacation was only for a week, but it was a week of delicious Schadenfreude.

(I’m not a bad person and after gently mocking them, I offered to share my sewing and my guide of solitaires. No one was interested. However one of the books was partially read – then I had to go home and took it back with me. When I left the weather was changing at last and later my Mom told me they had a very good second half of vacation).

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!