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Unfiltered Story #323040

, | Unfiltered | April 30, 2024

I used to be a member of a concert band. The band was part of a music society and therefore filled with amateur musicians, but the conductor was always a hired professional.
During my time there, it happened a few times that the conductor gave notice or was fired. So then, a few of the board members start the quest for a new conductor and interview a few people.

It’s not too uncommon for a professional conductor not to have a conservatory certificate. However, that does not mean everyone can handle it. Yet some people seem to think conducting is as difficult as putting on a hat.

One time, we get a candidate, who, during the interview with three board members, tells of her experience. Apparently, she was more or less an award winning champion in conducting… “Air conducting”, that is. Yes, like playing an air guitar. Oh, dear.

Obviously, covering every detail while fake-conducting to an audio record is a feat, but it not comparable to being able to conduct a real orchestra, which is filled with over 40 people with a mind of their own and their own flaws as well…

If anyone in the board still had been hesitant to dismiss this candidate, there was a second thing that took the cake. The music we played was selected through a vote of a music committee, in order to prevent one person’s taste being dominant for years if not decades. As soon as the words “music committee” were said, the lady’s reaction was a short, dismissive: ‘Oh, no, no, I don’t do those!’ before continuing her monologue. Well, okay then. Bye! Another bullet dodged.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!