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Unfiltered Story #311552

, | Unfiltered | December 9, 2023

My personal friends have a longstanding joke that, when we say “I feel old,” someone else responds with:

Friend 1: You’re not as old as [other friend who is slightly older]!

Friend 2: Who’s not as old as [OTHER friend who is slightly older than the previously mentioned friend]!

And so on, until someone finally says:

Friend 3: Who’s not as old as [older adult], and [older adult] is OLD!

I bring this stupid joke up with my new coworkers, most of whom are much younger than I. One of them, Coworker 3, has just left and he’s much older than me. One of the younger ones, Coworker 1, mentions he feels old.

Me: Oh, but you’re not as old as I am!

Coworker 2: And you’re not as old as [Coworker 3]!

Coworker 1: Oh, and I guess I’m not as old as [Manager]!

Coworker 1 and 2: And [Manager] is OLD!

Said manager just happens to be walking by at the ENTIRELY WRONG TIME.

Manager: WHAT?!

We all burst out laughing. Best part? [Manager] is a few years younger than me.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!