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Unfiltered Story #310550

, | Unfiltered | November 30, 2023

So I suffer from mental health and have been formally diagnooised with about 3 different conditions. My work are aware of this as I have been open and honest. I have good days and bad days but recently I have been threw a pretty rough time. I have admittedly self harmed but in methods like hitting myself or biting. Work found out…

Boss: (my name) what’s this i hear about you hurting yourself?

Me: I was struggling and things became so difficult. I started to self-harm as a coping mechanism a way to ground myself. I’ve done it for years and I’m trying to get help

Boss: well its probably just a habit. Instead try pinching yourself or put a elastic band round your wrist and flick it on your wrist. Be aware of your surrounds but what you do in your car is your business oh and remember infection control don’t want you biting till you bleed. What if the blood got onto someone? But yea do what you want in your car just make sure your in safe surroundings.

I mean I get the infection control but really?? I admitted to hurting myself so you encourage it in ways that you don’t have to care? Yep I need a new job

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!