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Unfiltered Story #310549

, | Unfiltered | November 30, 2023

I work in a major big box store, and we get our fair share of employees of varying competence levels. Recently, we hired a bunch of teenagers to work in several areas of the salesfloor, and one of them very quickly turned out to be…less than useful.

The first incident, and one he should have been fired for, was disappearing without telling anyone a half hour before his half-day shift was due to end. He hid in his truck and, when it came time for him to leave, he pulled up to the front door to clock out only to find my direct supervisor waiting for him.

My supervisor asked him what he thought he was doing, and his response was “my father has a medical emergency and I need to go now”.

Needless to say, he somehow managed to get away with only a write-up. He followed up this stunning display of genius with coming into my department on multiple occasions so he could talk to his friend who worked in my area for lengthy periods of time instead of working like he was supposed to be.

The second time I observed him blatantly doing this in front of me, I found my manager, who immediately came over and fired him.

Turns out that the kid was from an affluent family and had apparently not become acquainted with the concept of actions having consequences, since he decided to come in and tell me to go fuck myself for ‘getting him fired’.

I can only imagine what kind of reality check he’s going to get when he finds himself standing on the yellow footprints at Parris Island, but I hope it’s enough to knock some sense into him.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!