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Unfiltered Story #296147

| Unfiltered | July 13, 2023

These amateur shoplifters could not have telegraphed their purpose any better. I work as a cashier for Kohl’s. I almost always take the register closest to the door. With a cashier being close to the doors it acts as a deterrent for shop lifters.
On a Wednesday afternoon during the month of October, 2 teenagers (boys) come riding up to the store on bikes. They park their bikes near the door without bothering to lock them. Before they even walk into the store I’m on the phone to our lost prevention and tell them what i have just seen. They are watching these 2 boys on camera the moment they walk though the door and follow their every move.
Ten minutes after they walked into the store they are. Users trying to steal an expensive jacket! They ended up leaving the store in handcuffs!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!