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Unfiltered Story #296106

, | Unfiltered | July 12, 2023

Some bosses are full of themselves AND full of sh*t. For instance when they do not want a hierarchy on the workfloor, but actually they do.

Owner: ‘So, I think we should actually have A-employees and AA-employees.’

Yeah, why call it A and B or junior and senior? Why use something that makes sense? Luckily, the plan was so vague and clumsy that it didn’t come to fruition before I left anyway.

Later I heard that had called the distinction junior and senior after all. Of course, he was appointing people as senior without consulting anyone, purely based on personal preference and whim. Lower management mostly ignored it therefore.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!