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Unfiltered Story #296103

, | Unfiltered | July 12, 2023

My mother was sick for a long time. She’d been a smoker for over 65 years and it finally took its toll; her last few years were spent attached to oxygen. COPD had taken over her airways and she elected to be DNR. During her last hospital stay, I spent every day after work and most of my weekend hours sitting beside her bed.
On Wednesday, the doctors were talking about moving her to hospice care. I spent the rest of the week looking for hospice care near me, looking up pricing and reviews, making phone calls.
Saturday morning, the doctors came by and said the best option was to make her comfortable. My mother nodded stoically, thanked the doctors for their care, and asked to be left alone.
I spent the rest of the day making more phone calls. Family came from all over the country, driving nonstop and taking expensive last-minute flights. My siblings, their families, me and my family all gathered to tell my mother how much we love her. My siblings told stories about the shenanigans we got away with, the times we caught the business end of a wooden spoon, remembering the first time my mother held her first grandchild, various holidays. It was a day of happy tears and laughter. She glowed in a way I hadn’t seen in years.
Finally, everyone left, either going home or going to a nearby hotel. My mother asked me to stay and I agreed. Around midnight, she reached out and touched my arm. I jerked awake. She smiled at me, cupping my hand in her face.
“This was a very good day,” she whispered. “I love you so much.”
I didn’t want to cry again, but I did. “I love you, mom.”
She relaxed into the bed again. I watched her breathe for a few minutes before nodding off myself. I was woken by another touch on my arm. A nurse was standing beside me.
“Hi. I’m sorry to wake you like this. I was just doing my round and …” her voice trailed off. “I’m so sorry.”
I sat upright and looked at my mom in the bed and knew something was different. She was gone. I looked at the clock on the wall. Only 20 minutes had passed since she woke me.
I think she knew her time was up, which is why she woke me. I miss her every day, but I’m glad her last day was spent surrounded by love.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!