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Unfiltered Story #295573

, | Unfiltered | July 6, 2023

I was on my weekly video chat with my goddaughters and it’s just become my youngest (3 years old) goddaughter’s turn to get the tablet. Almost immediately we get this exchange.

Goddaughter: “I’m going to hang up on you!”

Me (in mock-shocked voice): “Oh no don’t hang up on me! anything but that!!”

*She continues to very slowly lower her finger towards the off button, drawing out the moment while madly cackling the whole time*

Me: “noooooooo!”

*she finally hangs up. I wait and about 5 seconds later I get a video call back*

Me (mock angry): “You hung up on me!”

Goddaughter (Proudly grinning): “yep!”

Perhaps I shouldn’t have encouraged this ‘game’, as she apparently decided it was so fun it deserves to be repeated. Here is roughly how our last video chat went:

Me: “hey what are you doing!” *click*

*calls back*

Me: “You hang up on-” *click*

*calls back*

Me: “He why are you -” *click*

*calls back*

Me: “Hey you don’t you-” *click*

She spent more then 10 minutes doing nothing but hanging up on me, then calling me back so she could hang up again, laughing the whole time. Admittedly I was sort of encouraging it by using my ‘play voice’ rather then a more serious tone. Still, I’m starting to think I have created a monster…

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!