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Unfiltered Story #295479

, , | Unfiltered | July 4, 2023

High school was a difficult time for me. I was the “smart kid”: straight A student, top of my class, the one everybody wanted for group projects. And the one everybody forgot was there when recess came. I wasn’t quite bullied, for the most part, but I was ignored A LOT.

To make things worse, I was diagnosed with a tricky disability in my senior year, and was extremely ill, in and out of hospitals all through that year. My grades naturally slipped a bit, and at that point the few people who talked to me regularly dropped me like a hot potato, and some became full out bullies. Obviously, now that I was only a B student and couldn’t do the whole group project on my own, I was no longer necessary. By the middle of the year, only the “weirdos” from 2 classes below me even acknowledged I existed (great guys, we’re still friends!)

Fast forward several years, my disability was well under control and my career was taking off. I was to be the project manager of a big project in a prestigious engineering firm, and was involved in hiring more hands to the team. We call in a guy whose resume looks promising, and this exchange happens as soon as he is introduced to the interviewing panel.

Candidate: [My Name]?! Wow, it’s been so long I didn’t recognize you! How’s it going?

Me: I’m sorry, do we know each other?

Candidate: What, you don’t remember me? I’m [Candidate]! We went to high school together.

I figure maybe he was someone from another class aiming for a leg up, but I still have no clue who he is.

Me: Ah well. That was almost 10 years ago, and was a difficult time. I’m afraid I don’t remember you. But anyway, your resume mentions…

Candidate: Oh come on! You have to remember me! [Candidate]? We were in the same class all the way through! I think you even had a crush on me!

Me: I beg your pardon?

Candidate: Yeah, you totally had a crush on me! You were always up for helping me with homework, and was game to include me on group projects and then do my share. Pretty sure you did everyone’s share! Ha, no point risking your grade being lower, right? You were a weird little girl!

I remember him now. I did have a crush on him for awhile and “helped” him a lot with schoolwork (meaning I did it). Bad enough to bring that up in an interview, but…

Me: Ah I see. [Candidate]. I remember you now. You were the one who started yelling out that the [ableist slur] was coming when my disability first started. And stepping back on corridors or crossing the street when I walked by. And telling people they should stay away from the [other ableist slur] or they’d become losers like me too.

Candidate: Er… I… Well, I was young and…

Me: Thank you for reminding me of all this. Turns out it saves us some time.

Candidate: But uh… My interview?

My boss: I think we can all agree we’re done here.

He seemed sincerely shocked he didn’t get the job!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!