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Unfiltered Story #294104

, , | Unfiltered | June 22, 2023

I was walking down Coconino National Forest (beautiful place) when someone much, much, taller than me put their hand on my shoulder. I was ready to run (I know creeps like the back of my hand) when I saw it was just a tall lady.

Lady: Mademoiselle, il y a trop d’aiguilles de pin sur votre robe. Cela doit être corrigé immédiatement!

She bent over and picked off the pine needles one by one, telling stories in French. She stepped back, finished.

Lady: Hou la la! Par la baguette du dieu français, vous êtes magnifique! Je suis Miss Baguette, au fait. Faites avec ces informations ce que vous aimez.

I don’t know how Miss Baguette is doing, but I hope she’s okay. Tell her she made my year.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!