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Unfiltered Story #294102

, | Unfiltered | June 22, 2023

(I work in a anime store and we have kids come in all the time and parents buy them merchandise for animes that are not age appropriate for kids but parents do not know, they think since its animated it must be for kids)

*mom comes into store*
Me: hey. How can I help you.
Mom: my son texted me a list and I need to find a poster for this anime.
Me: ok ,tell me whats on the list and I’ll see if we have it.
Mom: he wants a poster from this anime called “hentai “.

( hentai is animated Japanese porn)

Me: ma’am,  who are you shopping for?

Mom:my teenage son why?

Me : I hate to tell you this, but your son is watching animated Japanese porn. That is what hentai is.

Mom :* looking at me like a deer in headlights* are you serious?

Me: yes, we see lots of kids actually with hentai merch and have to explain to the parents what it is.

Mom: well thank you so much for telling me this information,  I’m gonna head home now and have a talk with my son.

(Something tells me that kid is not going to be watching anime for a long time)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!