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Unfiltered Story #292156

, | Unfiltered | May 21, 2023

It happened a few years ago, while I was still trying to figure out what health problem did I have (I have ulcerative colitis).

Since I was living and working abroad in the Netherlands, I decided to fly to my home country (in Portugal) because I felt more comfortable discussing health related issues in my mother tongue, rather than explaining it in English (which wouldn’t be the doctor’s mother tongue as well).

After describing the symptoms and explaining him that I was living abroad, he asked me to do some exams and email him the results.

After I received the results, I forwarded them by email to the doctor (as we agreed upon our previous medical appointment).

Doctor: “Those values are very high. We should discuss them”.

After that, I got no other answer to the few emails I sent (which included an explanation that I was living abroad and couldn’t go to his office any time soon).

I ended up discovering the wonders of the Dutch health system

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!