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Unfiltered Story #291656

, | Unfiltered | May 19, 2023

Some random passenger, late teens, to his friend: So yeah, I only got cr**** (game console) when I was eight. I had to make do with it untill I was twelve and got (popular portable game console). When I was fourteen, I finally got (other game console) and I could start to play for real. And now I bought (expensive computer) to play games. Yeah, I cannot believe my parents made me wait so long for a decent system.

( The young man continues his rant about how his parents sabotaged his gaming and they didn’t get that he deserved a decent, expensive, gaming system).

Me, quietly mumbling: and here I am, extatic at sixteen because of a game named “pong”
(Yeah, showing my age here. For those unfamiliar with the game, it is two white rods, one on each end of the screen, which you can move up and down (simultaneously) while a white square or the “ball” is moving in between. The object of the game is to hit the “ball” and play it back to the other side. When you miss and it goes off screen, you loose. Rather primitive, a far cry from the “decent” games the poor teenager had to do without for so long but that is where it all started).

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!