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Unfiltered Story #287883

, , | Unfiltered | April 1, 2023

When I was born, my parents created an account at a credit union near our home that had my mother and me on it. This account was set up with me as the owner and my mother as the trustee.

As I was an infant when the bank was created, I didn’t have a signature on file with the bank, and couldn’t until I turned 16. Shortly after my 16th birthday, my mom brought me in and we got my signature on file, or so we thought.

My dad would often ask me to pull money from the account, because he didn’t have access, but every time I went in, they had no record of the signature card I had signed.

On four separate occasions, I signed a new signature card and by the time I had signed it a fourth time, the teller at the bank recognized who I was and, even though there was still no signature on file, would let me access my account. There was only one bank out of the 4-5 locations that I could go to to access this bank account, and only two tellers at the bank who I could work with because they could never save the signature correctly.

When I turned 18 I ended up closing the account, tired of having to deal with their incompetence and gladly took my business somewhere I didn’t have to fight to access my money.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!